在最近一期的《亚洲印刷包装出版》(Print Pack Publish Asia Magazine)杂志上.刊登了一篇很有趣的采访,被访人是小森公司的总裁兼首席执行官小森善治,正是在他掌舵的50多年里,小森逐步发展成为世界领先的印刷设备供应商之一。而我最近也在瑞典应邀参加了一次演讲.同时有幸倾听到来自HP Indigo总经理Alon Bar—Shany的一场精彩演讲。
There was a very interesting interview in the latest edition of Print Pack Publish Asia magazine. This was with Yoshiharu Komori, the long time President and CEO of offset press manufacturer Komori. Mr. Komori has been at the helm of Komori for more than fifty years during which time the company has become one of the world's leading press suppliers.
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