
大鼠孕晚期七氟烷吸入麻醉对子代神经行为和学习记忆功能的影响 被引量:5

Effects of Sevoflurane Inhalation Anesthesia on Offspring Rats' Neuro-behavior and Capability of Learning and Memory during Late Gestation
摘要 目的观察大鼠孕晚期长时间、不同浓度使用七氟烷吸入麻醉对仔鼠神经行为和学习记忆功能的影响。方法SD孕鼠15只,随机分为高浓度麻醉(H)组、低浓度麻醉(L)组和对照(C)组,其中H、L组分别于孕第18天吸入4%、2%的七氟烷6h。出生后仔鼠进行后续实验:P8~P14行悬崖逃避实验,P21和P60行旷场实验,P21~P26(Ⅰ期)和P60~P65(Ⅱ期)行Morris水迷宫实验。结果在悬崖逃避实验和旷场实验中,各组仔鼠的神经行为改变差别无统计学意义(P>0.05)。水迷宫实验Ⅰ、Ⅱ期,与C组比较,H、L组平均逃逸潜伏期时间均明显延长(P<0.01)、第三象限活动时间和穿越平台次数均明显减少(Ⅰ期:P<0.01;Ⅱ期:P<0.05),而L组在定向航行实验和空间探索实验中差别均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论孕晚期高浓度使用七氟烷麻醉6h可导致仔鼠学习记忆功能降低,并且持续到成熟期。 Objective To investigate the influences on the offspring rats; neuro-behavior, and capability of learning and memory when rats of late stage gestation were exposed in different concentrations of sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia for 6 hours. Methods 15 SD rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: high concentration of sevoflurane group (H), low concentration of sevoflurane group (L) and control group (C). Pregnant rats in group H and L inhaled 4% and 2% sevofluane for 6 hours respectively when they were in the 18th day of their gestation. , Cliff avoidance test during postnatal day 8 to day 14(P8~P14) , Open field test at postnatal day 21 and day 60 (P21,P60) and Morris water maze test during postnatal day 21 to day 26 (P21~P26) for the first period and during postnatal day 60 to day 65 for the second period (P60~P65) were carried out to assess neuro-behaviors and capability of learning and memory in offspring rats. Results The difference of alterations were not significant among three groups about neurological behaviors in Cliff avoidance and Open field tests (P〉0.05). In Morris water-maze test, P21~P26 rats in groups H and L showed prolonged mean escape latency (P〈0. 01), shortened swimming time in the platform quadrant Ⅲ (P〈0.01), and reduced number of times of platform crossing (P〈0.01) compared with group C. P60~P65 rats in group H showed prolonged mean escape latency (P〈0.01), shortened swimming time in the platform quadrant Ⅲ (P〈0. 05), and reduced number of times of platform crossing(P〈0.05) compared with group C, but there are no differences between L group and C group(P〉0.05). Conclusion Sevofluane inhalation anesthesia for 6 hours during late gestation of rats can obviously impaire the capability of learning and memory in offspring rats, which would last a long time under the high concentration of sevoflurane anesthesia.
出处 《福建医科大学学报》 2009年第2期105-109,共5页 Journal of Fujian Medical University
基金 福建省科技厅科研基金(2003D03)
关键词 氟烷 醚类 妊娠 动物 迷宫学习 大鼠 SPRAGUE-DAWLEY 神经系统 记忆 halothane ethers pregnancy,animal maze learning rats, Sprague-Dawley nervous system memory
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