文章对认知无线电中的关键技术功率控制进行了研究,并在新的干扰模型—协议模型的基础上,研究了功率控制对调度可行性,带宽有效性的影响,且阐述了衡量网络性能的新的性能指标—频率空间容量积BFP(Bandwidth Foot-print Product),并通过化简其数学公式可更加明显的发现它与功率控制的关系。
This paper researches the power control which is the key technology in cognitive radio. It studies the impact of power control on scheduling feasibility, bandwidth efficiency on the basis of the new model socalled protocol model. The new network performance metric called bandwidth footprint product is introduced. The relationship between power control and BFP is found by simplification of the formula more obviously.
Computer & Digital Engineering