Objective To evaluate the significance of CK-MB and cTnI in the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in the seniles . Methods 100 patients (72males and 28 females, mean age 58±3years) admitted to the hospital suffering from AMI were studied in a retrospective analysis. 100 normal healthy people ( exclude patients with heart disease .76males and 24 females), mean age 55±2years;Detection CK-MB and cTnI ,Objective to evaluate the significance of CK-MB and cTnI. Results :for 100 patients with AMI After 4-6hours of onset, the aquantity of cTnI is higher than 0.16ug/L,to reach the peak at 16-24 hours.last for 7-10days.for 100patients,theaquantityofCK-MBbeginstoriseafter 6-8 hours,reach the peak at16-24 hours,startingtodecline after 48 hours,Gradually.returning.to.normal .The aquantityof all the AMI patients is higher than the normal ,Only the aquantity of the three patients is higher in the control group.The sensitivity of diagnosis of cTnT toAMIisl00%(100/100),Thespecifici ty..is..97.0%(97/100), The aquantity of CK-MB of all the AMI patients is higher than the normal in the AMI patients group, Only theaquantity.. of.the..20..patientsishigherin.the.control, group .The sensitivity of diagnosis of CK-MB to AMI.is 100% ( 100/100),Thespecificity is 80%(80/100),There is no significant difference in both groups.(P〉0.05)Conclusion:cTNI is the best method of the diagnosis of AMI. CK-MB and cTnl both have a high specificity and sensitivity in the early diagnosis of AMI.If they are measured together, the early diagnosis rate may be improved, and some information of the infarction's moment may be provided.
Contemporary Medicine