
气体射流冲击烤制“北京烤鸭”不同加工技术与鸭皮中多环芳烃含量变化的研究 被引量:3

Study on the change of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons' contents in "Peking Roast Duck" skin with different air-jet impingement roasting technique
摘要 采用气体射流冲击加热新技术烤制“北京烤鸭”,在保证烤鸭品质的前提下,改变烤制温度,运用高效液相荧光检测技术研究不同烤制温度的烤鸭鸭皮中高致癌性多环芳烃(PAHs)含量的变化。结果显示,在170、190、210℃三种不同烤制温度下,苯并[a]芘含量在0.13~0.45μg/kg,二苯并[a,h]蒽含量在0.48-2.01μg/kg,7,12-二甲基苯并[a]蒽含量为1.28~3.19μg/kg,苯并[a]芘含量远远低于国家标准5μg/kg、高烤制温度下(210℃)各PAHs的产生量要显著高于低温(170、190℃)烤制产生的量,在此技术下低温烤制产品安全性更高于高温烤制产品。 A new heating technique--Air-jet impingement was applied to roast "Peking Roast Duck" in this study. Changing the roast process on the premise of good quality of products,the content variation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in the skin of duck roasted with different temperatures was studied by high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection(HPLC-FD) .The results were showed as follows: under 170,190, 210℃ of different temperatures, the contents of B [ a ] P were 0.13 -0.45#g/kg, DB [ a, h ] A 0.48 -2.0μg/kg, 7,12-DMB[a]A 1.28-3.19μg/kg respectively.The content of B[ a] P was far lower than the national standard of less than 5μg/kg.The production of PAHs in the higher temperature roasted ducks was obviously more than those in the lower ones, so it was safer to roast duck under a low temperature by the air-jet impingement roasting technique.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期133-135,139,共4页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
关键词 北京烤鸭 气体射流冲击 多环芳烃(PAHs) 高效液相荧光检测(HPLC—FD) Peking Roast Duck air-jet impingement polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection(HPLC-FD)
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