
一种基于数理统计的入侵检测算法研究 被引量:2

The Study of an Intrusion Detection Arithmetic Model Based on Normal Distribution
摘要 提出了入侵检测的基本理论和基本概念,对入侵检测技术基本原理进行了分析和探讨,设计了一个异常入侵检测系统基本结构,重点讨论了基于统计模型的异常入侵检测技术。根据概率论有关理论,构造了一个基于数理统计分析的异常入侵检测系统模型。 The paper puts forward the basic theory and concept of intrusion detection and discusses the essential principle of intrusion detection technology, especially discusses the technology based on statistic model. At the same time, a basic structure of abnormal intrusion detection system has been designed in the paper. According to the probability theory, a new abnormal intrusion detection system model based on normal distribution is also constructed. Comparing to others, the arithmetic model is simple implement, better operative and reliable. The arithmetic model is worth applying and popularizing.
作者 李康荣
出处 《微计算机信息》 2009年第12期94-95,共2页 Control & Automation
基金 基金申请人:李康荣 基金颁发部门:四川省教育厅计算机软件省级重点实验室(SCSL07003) 项目名称:基于Web应用安全的质量保证研究
关键词 数理统计 异常 检测技术 算法模型 mathematical statistics abnormal detection technology arithmetic model
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