
黄山风景区空气真菌组成及其生态分布 被引量:2

Composition and ecological distribution of the airborne fungi in Huangshan Scenic Spot
摘要 用自然沉降法采集空气真菌,对黄山风景区14个景点的空气真菌资源及其生态分布情况进行调查。共鉴定出空气真菌35属,分隶于3纲6目10科,其中以丛梗孢科占绝对优势,有14个属,占总属数的40.0%;其次为暗梗孢科,有7个属,占总属数的20.0%。属的生态分布是:在7个以上景点的空气中能够分离到的属有9个,其中芽枝霉属(Cladosporium)和无孢菌群(Mycelia Sterilia)在不同海拔的所有景点空气中普遍存在;海拔800m左右的空气中分离到的属较多,海拔高于1000m的采样点分离到的属较少,原因可能是随海拔降低,气候变得温暖,加上降雨量充沛,原生和次生常绿阔叶林发育良好,大量枯落物归还土壤,成为多种真菌丰富的营养来源,故空气中分离到真菌的属较丰富,数量也较多。 The concentration of airborne fungi in Huangshan Scenic Spot was measured by fallen plate method at 14 sampling sites. A study on the community structure and distribution characteristics of outdoor airborne fungi was carried out. As a result thirty-five genera belonging to 10 families, 6 orders and 3 classes are found in Huangshan Scenic Spot. The predominant families are Moniliaceae (14 genera, 40.0 % of the total genera) and Dematiaceae (7 genera, 20.0 %). The ecological distribution of the genera is as follows: there are nine genera in the air at more than seven sampling sites, of which Cladosporium and Mycelia Sterilia commonly exist in the air measured at different elevations. There are more genera isolated in the air at the elevation of about 800 m above sea level than the elevation of 1000 m above sea level. It is probably because that with the lowering of the elevation, it becomes warmer and there is abundant rainfall, which makes the primary and naturally secondary evergreen broad-leaved forests grow better, meanwhile plenty of litters fall into the soil. They can be a good nutrition resource for quite a lot of fungi. Therefore, there are more kinds and quantity of genera isolated in the air.
作者 凌琪 王晏平
出处 《生态科学》 CSCD 2009年第1期73-77,共5页 Ecological Science
基金 基金项目:安徽省重点科研计划项目(07021012) 致谢(Acknowlegdement)本项目承蒙2003和2005级环境工程专业、给排水专业部分同学参加,特此致谢!
关键词 空气真菌 种属构成 分布特征 芽枝霉属 airborne fungi community structure distribution characteristics Cladosporium
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