
桡骨远端骨折63例手术治疗疗效分析 被引量:3

Effect of surgery on distal radius fracture: 63 cases observation
摘要 目的:探讨桡骨远端骨折手术治疗的效果。方法:分别采用切开复位“T”形金属板钉内固定或切开复位外固定架固定、切开复位克氏针内固定加外固定架固定的方法治疗63例桡骨远端粉碎性骨折,观察治疗后效果。结果:随访6~12个月以上,骨折愈合时间4~8周,平均4.6周,未发生针道感染、骨不连,伤口均一期愈合。Colles骨折复位后的功能评价:优35例,良22例,可5例,差1例,优良率为90.5%,对手术后腕关节功能满意者54例(85.7%)。结论:切开复位“T”形金属板钉内固定或切开复位外固定架固定治疗桡骨远端粉碎性骨折结构复位和功能恢复比较满意,疗效较好,值得临床推广使用。 Objective: To explore the effect of surgery on distal radius fracture. Methods: Treated 63 cases with distal radius fracture by open reduction and internal fixation with T-shape metal plate and metal screw or open reduction and fixation with external fixture, and observed the therapeutic effect. Results: Follow-up of 6- 12 weeks, averaged 4.6 weeks, showed that no cases with needle infection or bone no-union, and all patients had primary healing. Cones evaluation of fracture reduction indicated that 35 cases with excellent score, 22 with good, 5 with normal and lwith bad, and the excellent and good rate was 90.5%. 54 cases were satisfied about the functional recovery of wrist joint ( 85.7% ). Conclusion : Open reduction and internal fixation with T-shape metal plate and metal screw or open reduction and fixation with external fixture has satisfactory effect on distal radius fracture, and is helpful to structure reduction and functional recovery. It is valuable in clinic application.
作者 刘晓伟
出处 《海南医学院学报》 CAS 2009年第5期465-466,共2页 Journal of Hainan Medical University
关键词 桡骨远端 粉碎性骨折 手术治疗 Distal radius Comminuted fracture Surgery
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