
基于主导设计视角的产学合作创新机理研究 被引量:2

Study on the industry-university collaborative innovation mechanism:based on the dominant design view point
摘要 在借鉴技术创新动态U-A模型理论,运用主导设计(dominant design)概念识别出了影响面向产学合作创新绩效的三个关键可控因素,包括合作机会窗口把握、技术领先、市场创造,并对关键因素作用于创新绩效的路径进行了定性研究,创新性地为大学和企业提供了把握合作创新核心规律的重要理论指导。最后以绍兴轻纺研究中心股份有限公司的发展历程为例,验证了三大要素作用于产学合作创新的机理,并为以后的研究提出了建议。 On the basis of the U-A dynamic model theory,draws the dominant design as viewpoint to identify the three key controllable factors which impacts the industry-university collaborative innovation process and its performance,including Seizure the window of opportunity,leading technology and market creation.Then,the paper using the qualitative research method analyses the mechanism of the industry-university collaborative innovation process and its performance,highlights the some guides for industry-university collaborative innovation projects.Finally,cites an example to verify the Assumptions,and makes some Proposals for further research.
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期610-615,共6页 Studies in Science of Science
关键词 主导设计 产学合作创新 dominant design industry-university collaborative innovation
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