

Zhuangzi and His Theory of Huanglao
摘要 从学术倾向、天道关系、政治学说、人生态度等方面对《庄子》进行了分析梳理,认为《庄子》思想旨趣已发生转变,即从剽剥儒墨到兼融儒法、从天地所法之道到天地之道、从反对无为到主张君无为而臣有为、从全性保真到修德诚己,表明《庄子》中已出现了以道为主,兼采儒、法、墨诸家的综合性思潮,即黄老学。《庄子》视界中的黄老学,一方面表明道家学说顺应时代发展,开始面向现实;另一方面,也表明了道家思维水平高,有能力融合诸家学说。 An analysis and readjustment of Zhuangzi by Zhuangzi is made from the aspects of aeedemie tendentiousness, natural law, political theory and attitude about huaman life.It is thought that great mental changes already happened in Zhuangzi's work of Zhuangzi:Zhuangzi's mentality already changed from merely speaking and writing against the Confucian school to combining it with the Legalists,from the law that the world follows to the law of the world,from opposing the view of letting things take their own course to holding the view that the king should let things take their own course but the ministers should get things done,and from keeping one's original nature to striving after virtue and restraining oneself, which show a synthesis of thought-the Huanglao school occurred in Zhuangzi. It absorbed Confucianism, Legalism and Mohism on the basis of Taoism. The Huanglao school reflected in the work of Zhuangzi, on one side, indicates that the Taoist school was able to cater to the development of times and began to face reality. On the other side, it also indicates that the Tatoist school had so high a thinking ability that it was able to compromise the merits of the theories from schools of all sorts.
作者 杨守戎
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期107-110,共4页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 安徽省教育厅人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(2008SK062)
关键词 庄子 黄老学 道家 儒家 法家 墨家 Zhuangzi theory of Huanglao the Taoist school the Confucian school the Legalists the Mohist school
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  • 1张双棣.淮南子校释[M]北京大学出版社,1997.








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