

Propagation of blast wave in the city
摘要 本文利用LS-DYNA软件,采用ALE(Arbi-trary Lagrange-Euler)方法,对城市复杂环境中爆炸波的传播规律与超压荷载进行了数值计算和分析。通过对两建筑物模型的数值模拟,以及其与单建筑物模型的对比分析,论证了在计算爆炸波超压荷载时考虑相邻建筑物的重要性;通过对一个典型的T型街道的数值模拟,以及其与简单环境的对比分析,揭示了爆炸波在城市复杂环境中的传播规律,并揭示了爆炸波的超压荷载在城市复杂环境中的变化规律和分布特征。 propagation law and overpressure loads of blast wave in an urban complex environment are calculated and analyzed in this paper by using the ALE method of LS - DYNA3D software in this paper. According to the simulation of a two - building model, compared to a single - building model, it has demonstrated the importance of accounting for the adjacent buildings when determining the overpressure loads of blast wave; Based on the simulation of a typical T - style street model, compared to simple environment, the propagation law of blast wave in urban complex environment is disclosed, and the variation law and distribution characteristics of the overpressure loads of the blast wave is disclosed as well.
作者 周浩璋
出处 《四川建材》 2009年第2期128-130,132,共4页 Sichuan Building Materials
关键词 LS-DYNA软件 ALE方法 爆炸波 城市复杂环境 超压荷载 传播规律 LS - DYNA software, ALE method, blast wave, urban complex environment, overpressure loads, translation law
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