

The Microstructure and Properties of Cold Rolled Strip by Rolling at Diffrent Processes after Annealing
摘要 采用奥氏体区和铁素体区二种工艺制度的热轧试验,对退火后深冲冷轧带钢试样的组织性能进行了研究。结果表明:深冲冷轧带钢热轧采用铁素体区轧制,性能指标达到标准要求,可获得更加优良的深冲性能。 It is investigated the microstructure and mechanical properties of deep drawing cold rolled strip by hot rolling in austenite and ferrite region after annealing. The results show that the mechanical properties of the steel reach not only the standard requirements but also excellent performance of deep drawng can be obtained by hot rolling in ferrite region,.
出处 《热处理技术与装备》 2009年第2期24-27,共4页 Heat Treatment Technology and Equipment
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50104004)
关键词 冷轧带钢 铁素体区轧制 组织性能 cold wiled strip hot roiling in ferrite region the microstructure and properties
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