
温度和光照对‘红地球’葡萄试管苗光合特性的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Temperature and Light Intensity on Photosynthetic Characters of ‘Red Globe’ Grape Plantlet in Vitro
摘要 以‘红地球’葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.‘Red Globe’)试管苗为试材,采用密闭系统落差法研究了在不同温度和光照强度下培养28d的试管苗的光合特性。结果表明:培养温度在20~30℃之间,试管苗的暗呼吸速率(Rd)随温度的升高而升高,但净光合速率(Pn)以25℃最高,30℃次之,20℃最低;而CO2补偿点以25℃最低,20℃次之,30℃最高;光照强度在40~200μmol·m-2·s-1之间,葡萄试管苗的Pn随光照强度(PAR)的升高而升高,CO2补偿点随PAR的升高而降低。在光照条件下,容器内CO2浓度迅速降低,并接近CO2补偿点,CO2供应不足是影响试管苗同化能力的主要原因。在室内培养阶段,采用弱光、昼夜变温和改善培养容器的通气性有利于提高试管苗的光合能力;在移栽驯化过程中,逐步提高光照强度和延长光照时间有利于试管苗同化产物的积累和培养壮苗。 By the ways of falling and airproofing, the research was made on the photosynthetic characters of grape ( Vitis vinifera L. ‘Red Globe’ ) plantlets in vitro cultivated under different temperatures and photosynthetic availability radiations (PAR). The results showed that under the temperatures between 20℃ and 30 ℃, the dark respiration rate (Rd) rose with the rise of the temperature, while the net photosynthesis rate (P,) reached the highest in 25 ℃, slowed in 30℃, and reduced to the lowest in 20℃. However, the compensation point of CO2 was the lowest in 25 ℃ , rose in 20℃, and reached the highest in 30 ℃. When the PAR was between 40 and 200μmol·m^-2·s^-1, the Pn of the grape plantlet rose with the increase of PAR, while the compensation point of CO2 decreased with the increase of the PAR. When PAR was available, the concentration of CO2 in the vessel reduced rapidly, almost close to the compensation point of CO2. The insufficient supply of CO2 is the chief factor that affects the assimilation of the plantlets. In the stage of indoor culti- vation, the weak light, temperature changes by day and night and the improvement of the ventilation of the cultivated vessels are advantageous to improving the photosynthesis of the plantlets. And in the process of transplantation and domestication, the gradual increase and extension of the light are advantageous to accumu- lating the products of the plantlet assimilation and generating the strong plantlets.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期571-576,共6页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
关键词 葡萄 试管苗 光合特性 温度 光照强度 grape plantlet photosynthetic character temperature PAR
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