
两种不同扩弓方法结合上颌前方牵引的初步研究 被引量:27

A primary study on maxillary protraction therapy with two different methods of rapid palatal expansion
摘要 目的探索反复快速扩弓回缩结合上颌前方牵引的可行性和方法,对比上颌单次快速扩弓和反复快速扩弓回缩结合前方牵引治疗的效果。方法选择20例上颌后缩患者,每组10例。A组:上颌单次快速扩弓加前方牵引,B组:上颌反复快速扩弓回缩加前方牵引。对治疗前及前方牵引6个月后的头颅侧位片进行头影测量分析。结果两组病例扩弓并前方牵引6个月后上颌显著前移和逆时针旋转,下颌向后下方旋转,上切牙唇倾、下切牙舌倾。两组间对比:反复扩弓回缩组前方牵引后上颌前移量(A点3.56mm)显著大于单次扩弓组(A点2.12mm)。结论使用上颌反复扩弓回缩结合前方牵引的方法治疗上颌后缩患者是可行的,其对前移上颌的效果优于单次扩弓结合前方牵引治疗。 Objective To investigate the feasibility and methods of maxillary protraction therapy with repetitive rapid palatal expansions and constrictions. To compare the effects of maxillary protraction therapy with single rapid palatal expansion and repetitive rapid palatal expansions and constrictions. Methods 20 children from two groups with maxillary retrusion were selected and 10 in each. Group A: maxillary protraction with single rapid palatal expansion. Group B: maxillary protraction with repetitive rapid palatal expansions and constrictions. Cephalometric analysis was used to compare the lateral cephalometric radiographs. Results Anterior displacement and counterclockwise rotation of maxilla, downward and backward rotation of mandible, proclination of upper incisors and retroclination of lower incisors were found after 6 months' maxillary protraction in both groups. Comparing the two groups, more forward moves of maxilla in Group B (Point A 3.56 mm) were found than that in group A (Point A 2. 12 mm). Conclusions The results of this study indicated that maxillary protraction with repetitive rapid palatal expansions and constrictions was a reasonable method for the children with maxillary retrusion and it could bring more forward moves of maxilla than the single rapid palatal expansion method.
出处 《中华口腔正畸学杂志》 2009年第1期45-49,共5页 Chinese Journal of Orthodontics
基金 基金项目:国家科技支持计划(2007BA118804)
关键词 快速扩弓 前方牵引 上颌后缩 Rapid palatal expansion Maxillary protraction Maxillary retrusion
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