
中小企业技术创新能力评价指标体系研究 被引量:2

Small and medium-sized enterprise technological innovation ability appraisal target system to study
摘要 对企业技术创新能力的评价一直被国内外学者所关注,经过多年的发展,构建的指标体系逐渐完善,但是所创建的评价指标还存在不足,包括:评价指标缺乏“与时俱进”性,随着生产能力的发展,新矛盾的出现,如信息化水平、环境效益等;评价指标盲目追求全面,缺乏对企业各创新能力构成要素之间影响的理解,而使评价指标的可操作性降低。所以建立一套时效性、客观性、可有效操作的评价指标体系是进行评价工作的目标,对中小企业创新能力进行正确的评估,发现中小企业技术创新能力的差距和制定提高中小企业技术创新能力的措施都有积极的意义。 Is always paid attention to the enterprise technological innovation ability appraisal by the domestic and foreign scholars,passes through many year development,the construction target system gradually improves,but founds the appraisal target also has the insufficiency,including:The appraisal target lacks "keeps pace with the times" the nature, along with productivity development, new contradictory appearance, like informationization level, environment benefit and so on ; The appraisal target pursues blindly comprehensively,lacks understanding which affects to the enterprise each innovation ability integrant part between,but causes the appraisal target the feasibility to reduce. Therefore establishes the appraisal target system which set of effectivenesses,the objectivity,may operate effectively is carries on the appraisal work the goal, carries on the correct appraisal to the small and mediumsized enterprise innovation ability,discovered small and medium-sized enterprise technological innovation ability the disparity and the formulation sharpens the small and medium-sized enterprise technological innovation ability the measure all to have the positive significance.
作者 王磊 张士强
机构地区 山东科技大学
出处 《中国经济与管理科学》 2009年第3期34-36,共3页 Chinese Economy Management Science Magazine
关键词 中小企业 技术 创新能力 指标体系 Small and medium-sized enterprise Technology Innovation ability Target system
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