Referring to the current Aseismic Design Code for Industrial and Civil Buildings, the selection of earthquake actions used in three-dimensional analysis of tall buildings has been discussed. In this paper,the seismic shear and torsion are obtained by the transfer of inertia force due to earthquakes story by story and the relative drifts for different vibration modes can be computed 'directly from the product of the generalized displacement amplitude of vibrator and the vibration mode. In comparing with the conventional methods used through electronic computer, this method has the merits of saving computing time, having a clear concept, and providing basis for studying the effects of high-order vibration modes on each story of the structure. Besides, the way of selecting vibration modes,the number of modes required in combination, and the suitable way of combining vibration modes according to energy ratio for each vibrator are also presented. The results obtained by the given method are in good agreement with those of the numerical examples worked out in ref.[3], [6] and [7].
Journal of Building Structures