
径向偏振光研究的最新进展 被引量:7

Research progress on radially polarized beam
摘要 径向偏振光作为一种轴对称的偏振光引起了众多学者的浓厚兴趣,通过对近年来国内外对径向偏振光研究现状的分析,本文综述了径向偏振光的特性、理论发展、产生方法以及应用等方面的研究,并展望了其发展前景。 Considerable interest has developed in the radially polarized beam with axial symmetry. Based on reviewing recent work, the optical properties, theoretical development, generation methods and apphcations were summarized. Furthermore, the prospect of their applications is discussed.
出处 《激光杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期7-10,共4页 Laser Journal
关键词 径向偏振光 圆对称光束 二元衍射光栅 螺旋位相器件 radially polarized heron cylindrical symmetric beam binary diffraction grating spiral phase element
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