
1550nm高功率窄线宽光纤放大器实验研究 被引量:2

Experimental study on 1550nm high efficient narrow line width fiber amplifier
摘要 研制了1550nm高功率窄线宽光纤放大器。实验中以单频窄线宽半导体激光器为信号源,15m长Er3+/Yb3+共掺双包层光纤为增益介质,抽运源采用两支980nm波长大功率激光二极管,抽运阈值功率约0.6W,在抽运功率为10W时,得到放大输出功率为1.1W,光一光转换效率为11%,斜率效率为11.7%,增益大于20dB。采用延迟自外差法测量了种子激光放大前后的线宽,测量得到线宽均为220kHz。信号激光通过光纤放大器后对其窄线宽特性没有影响。 A 1550nm high efficient narrow line width fiber amplifier was demonstrated. In the experiment, a single frequency narrow line width semiconductor laser was used as signal source, and a section of 15m Er3 +/Yb3 + co - doped double - clad fiber pumped by two high power 980nm LD was used as gain medium. The fiber laser exhibited a threshold of 0.6 W, the output power of 1.1W was obtained upon the maximmn 10W pump power. The conversion efficiency and slope efficiency reached 11% and 11.7% respectively, and a gain of mere than 20dB was obtained. The line width of laser was measured by the delayed selfheteredyne method with 10km single mode fiber. The result of 220 kHz showed that the fiber amplifier did not affect obviously the line width of single laser.
出处 《激光杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期28-29,共2页 Laser Journal
关键词 窄线宽 单频 光纤放大器 自外差 narrow line width single frequency fiber amplifier self - heterodyne
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