

Experimental study of convective heat transfer characteristics for outside tube at two boundary condition
摘要 采用实验研究的方法,分别对针翅管、平直翅片管和光管在同一风洞实验台上进行实验。采用管内电加热法模拟第二类边界条件,管内流体加热,管外空气横掠模拟第三类边界条件,实验的管外雷诺数范围为Re=5000—35000。实验结果表明:光管在第三类边界条件下的Nu是第二类边界条件下的1.048倍,翅片管在第三类边界条件下的Nu是第二类边界条件下的1.073倍,针翅管第三类边界条件下的Nu是第二类边界条件下的1.1倍,且这个比例关系与Re的变化无关。 Studied the pin-fin tube,smooth tube and finned tube on the same wind channel test apparatus through experimental method.Using the method of electric heating to simulate the second boundary condition.And using the method of hot fluid flowing in the interior tube and the air across the tube outside to simulate the third boundary condition.The range of the experimental Reynolds number was 5000~35000.The experimental result indicated that,the Nusselt number of smooth tube in the third boundary condition was 1.048 times of its in the second boundary condition.The Nusselt number of Finned tube in the third boundary condition was 1.073 times of its in the second boundary condition and the Nusselt number of Pin-fin tube in the third boundary condition was 1.1 times of its in the second boundary condition.And the ratio had nothing to do with the Reynold number change.
出处 《节能》 2009年第4期21-23,共3页 Energy Conservation
关键词 边界条件 换热器 实验研究 boundary condition heat exchangers experiment study
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