[目的]观察乙醇消除减压性气泡的作用,以及对急性减压病(ADCS)的疗效。[方法]将32只新西兰兔按随机数字表分为乙醇治疗组和对照组,每组16只,在6绝对大气压(absolute atmosphere,ATA;1ATA=100kPa)加压舱内制作为ADCS模型。观察ADCS症状和体征变化,测定Doppler气泡音。手术造瘘暴露后腔静脉,乙醇治疗组给予耳缘静脉注射质量分数25%的乙醇溶液3mL/kg,对照组注射生理盐水3mL/kg;并经后腔静脉直接观察气泡消长,解剖观察体循环状况。[结果]两组模型兔均表现为呼吸急促、竖毛、搔抓、行动迟缓或跛行等典型的ADCS症状和体征。对照组16只兔,在制作为ADCS模型后60 ̄100min时仍有Ⅰ ̄ⅢDoppler气泡音,后腔静脉可见大量气泡,解剖见体循环血管变细或中断,气泡间杂于血流之间,血流淤滞或断流,周围组织、黏膜苍白。8只兔在35min内相继死亡。治疗组无死亡,ADCS症状全部缓解,Doppler气泡音在30 ̄60min内消失。后腔静脉气泡量逐渐减少,解剖见体循环血管直径增加1倍以上,血液流速明显增快。[结论]乙醇可有效地消除减压性气泡,对ADCS有良好的疗效。
[ Objective ] To determine the effect of ethanol on eliminating decompression gas embolism and heal acute decompression sickness ( ADCS ). [ Methods ] Thirty two rabbits were randomLy divided into two groups : ethanol therapy group and control group, with 16 for each group. All rabbits were put under 6 absolute atmosphere( ATA ) in a hyperbaric oxygen capsule to produce the model of ADCS. 3 mL/kg of 25% ethanol solution was injected to the therapy group rabbits, whereas 3 mL/kg normal saline was injected to the control group. The signs and symptoms of ADCS were then observed, the growth and decline of air bubbles in vena cava posterior which was exposed by artificial stoma were determined by Doppler ultrasound, and the situation of bubbles in somatic circulation was observed by autopsy immediately after the death of experimental rabbits. [ Results ] Two groups showed typical signs and symptoms of ADCS, such as short of breath, piloerection, scratching, sluggish or lameness. In contrast group, I-Ⅲ grade sound of air bubbles still remained until 60-100 min, half of the rabbits died one after another in 35min. A great quantity of air bubbles was observed in vena cava posterior and other blood vessels. In the therapy group, no death was observed, Doppler sound of air bubbles disappeared in 30-60min, less or no air bubble was observed in vena cava posterior and in blood circulation, diameter of blood vessel doubled, blood flow speed notablely increased, signs and symptoms of ADCS relieved. [ Conclusion ] Ethanol can effectively eliminate decompression gas embolism and heal ADCS.
Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
decompression gas embolism
acute decompression sickness