
中国蚱总科5新种记述(直翅目) 被引量:10

Five New Species of Tetrigoidea from China(Orthoptera)
摘要 记述采自中国云南、湖北及陕西3省直翅目蚱总科昆虫5新种,即狭顶羊角蚱Criotettix strictvertex sp.nov.、拟狭顶羊角蚱Criotettix strictvertexoides sp.nov.、五峰拟大磨蚱Macromotettixoides wufengensis sp.nov.、秦岭大磨蚱Macromotettix qinliingensis sp.nov.及黄纹波蚱Bolivaritettix galbustrial sp.nov.。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。 In the present paper,five new species of Tetrigoidea are described. Type specimens are kept in the Institute of Zoology, Shaanxi Normal University.1 Criotettix strictvertex sp. nov.(Fig.1) The new species is allied to Criotettix interrupta Zheng et Xie, 2002 and Criotettix yunnanensis Zheng et Ou,2003. It differs from both in. 1) width of vertex narrower than the width of an eye(0. 3: 0. 6) ; 2) lateral keels of prozona constricted backward; 3) length of upper is valvulae 5.7 times of its width; 4) outer side of lower margin of hind femur black; 5) width of elytra equal to the width of midfetour. It differs from the former in: 1) end of posterior angles of lateral lobes of pronotum acut; 2) disc of pronotum smooth; 3) hind wing reaching the top of hind femur. It differs from the latter in. 1) midkeel of pronotum interrupt; 2) in profile, upper margin of pronotum wave like; 3) in the middle of hind margin of subgenital plate of female triangular.Length of body: ♀ 11.0 mm; length of prono Holotype ♀: Yunnan,Jinhong(22°1'N' 100°8' Etymology: The specific name is derived from turn: ♀ 12. 0 mm; lengtn of hind fcmur : ♀6.0mm.Holotype ♀:Yunnan,Jinhong(22°1'N,100°8’E)2005-Ⅷ-20, collected by NIU Yao. the Latin strict and vertex.2 Criotettix strictvertexoides sp. nov.(Fig.2) The new species is closed to Criotettix shanglinensis Deng et Zheng,2007 and Criotettix strictvertex sp. nov. It differs from both in. 1) width of longitudinal furrow is as wide as the first segment of antennae; 2) length of hind process is beyond the top of the hind femur about 3 mm; 3) lower margin of midfemur is straight. It differs from the former in. 1) width of vertex narrower than the width of an eye (0.5 : 0. 7) ; 2) disc of pronotum smooth; 3) outer side of lower margin of hind femur black. It differs from the latter in: 1) antennae inserted the lower one third of anterior margin of eye; 2) behind shoulders, lateral margins of pronotum not constricted; 3) anterior margin of the vertex is straight; 4) lateral keels of prozona parallel. Length of body:♂ 9.0-9.2 mm; length of pronotum: ♂ 12.0-12. 5 mm; length of hind femur. ♂7.0 ram. Holotype ♂. Yunnan,Malipo(23°N, 104°7'E), 2005-Ⅷ-01, collected by YAO Yin-ping; paraatype 1 ♂ ,same data as holotype.Etymology.. The specific name is derived from the Latin strictvertex and oides.3 Macromotettixoides wufengensis sp. nov.(Fig.3) The new species is allied to Macromotettixoides juwanshanensis Zheng et al,2005, but differs in. 1) anterior margin of vertex is straight, not protruding beyond eyes; 2) in profile, vertex and frontal ridge forming a round sharp; 3) anterior margin of pronotum straight; 4) lateral keels of the prozona are parallel; 5) in profile, upper margin of pronotum arc before shoulders and straight behind shoulders; 6) outer side of lower margin of the hind femur black.Length of body: ♀8.5 mm; length of pronotum: ♀7. 5 mm; length of hind femur: ♀6.0 mm. Holootype ♀. Hubei,Wufeng (30°3'N, 110°7'E),1999-Ⅷ-9,collected by LI Hou-hen. Etymology: The specific name is derived from the type locality Wufeng.4 Macromotettix qinlingensis sp. nov.(Fig.4) The new species is similar to Macromotettix torulisinotus Zheng, 1998, but differs in: 1) width of vertex is 2 times the width of an eye; 2) antennae inserted is below the lower margin of eyes; 3) in profile,upper margin of pronotum is slightly convex before shoulders; 4) disc of pronotum has numerous short longitudinal keels; 5) behind shoulders, lateral margins of pronotum are constricted; 6) hind process of pronotum reaching beyond the top of hind femur; 7) without a pair of lateral keels between shoulders; 8) width of midfemur slightly narrower than the width of elytra; 9) width of anterior femur wider than midfemur; 10) lower margin of hind femur with 3-4 protrusions; 11) outer side of lower margin of hind femur not black; 12) hind tibia brown.Length of body: ♀10.0 mm; length of pronotum: ♀10. 5 mm; length of hind femur:♀5.5 mm. Holotype ♀: Shaanxi,Yangxian(33°5'N, 107°5'E ),2000-V-23,collected by HE Ke-ke. Etymology: The specific name is derived from the type locality Qinling.5 Bolivaritettix galbustrial sp. nov.(Fig.5) The new species is allied to Boilivaritettix yunnanensis Zheng et Mao, 2002, but differs in: 1) in profile, upper margin of pronotum slightly convex before shoulders; 2) disc of pronotum with numerous tubercles; 3) length of pronotum 4. 7 times the length which is beyond the top of hind femur; 4)in female,middle tooth of subgenital plate equal to the length of lateral teeth; 5) disc of body with a wide longitudinal yellow stripes in the middle.Length of body: ♀ 12.0 mm; length ot pronotum: ♀15.0 mm; length of hind femur:♀7.0mm. Holotype ♀ : Yunnan, Mengla (23°N, 101°5'E ), 2005-Ⅷ-27, collected by NIU Yao. Etymology: The specific name is derived from the Latin galbus and strial.
出处 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期141-147,共7页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(39391800)资助
关键词 直翅目 蚱总科 新种 Orthoptera Tetrigoidea new species
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