The Middle-East China is the region where the latitude is lower and the coast line is the longest in the country.The rain resources and the surface water resources in the region are both the rirst in China.The water vapour having been computed in held upover the region with mean annual value high up to+19 774.54×108m3,which amounts to 1 397mm of water layer and is 1.76 tines that of the regions water resources. The imported water vapour is more than the exported amounts in the region in any seasons,which is a region without dissipating season or water vapour in China.Summer(June to August) is the period with maximun amount of both imported water vater vapour (+43 864.4×108m3)and exported water vapour (-36 150.9×108m3).This region loss water vapour with mean annual value high up to-701.6×108m3 through out-boundaries and obtained the supplement of water vapour from neighboring areas through the inter-boundaries with annual total amounts to -20 476.14×108m3. Therefore,in this region the precipitation processes,the water resources and the dissipating of water vapour which import into foreign lands all are compensated by means of the supplement of water vapour from the neighbor area. In whole year,there is a net export of water vapour from the region into the Yellow Sea and East China Sea lying to the temperate meritime space with the amounts annual value 27 853.3×108m3,and into this region from the south China Sea lying to tropical sea area with the mean annual value high up to +26 500.6×108m3.
Journal of China Hydrology
condition of water vapour balance,water resources,temperate maritime space,tropical sea area,Middle-East China