
20世纪90年代以来美国青少年的伦理品格状况与特点评析 被引量:3

An Analysis on Current Situation of Ethics Character of American Youth since the 1990s
摘要 20世纪90年代以来,美国约瑟夫森研究所—青少年伦理道德中心(Josephson Institute,Center for Yourth Ethics)每两年在全国中学生中围绕不诚实行为,如撒谎、作弊、偷窃等,抽样数万人调查学生的伦理品格状况。1998~2008年连续6次的调查结果表明,美国青少年伦理品格方面存在不容忽视的问题,这些问题的产生都有着深刻的社会根源。 Since the 1990% Josephson Institute Center for Youth Ethics of America has conducted a national survey on the ethics character of American youth every two years, focusing on the dishonesty behavior, which includes telling a lie, cheating and stealing and so on. Data is gathered through a national sample of more than ten thousand students in high schools across the America. It summarizes that the six surveys in 1998-2008 has shown the serious problems in ethics character of American youth, and the social roots from which those problems derive in American youth.
作者 安钰峰
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期68-73,共6页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 美国 青少年 伦理品格 America youth ethics character
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