
农户信用与收入的基本框架及其差异化解释 被引量:7

The Framework and Explaination on Rural Credit and Income
摘要 对Mckinnon模型进行扩展,建立了技术变迁视野下农户信用和农户收入的基本理论框架。以1100户农户的调查统计为基础,对农户信用、农贷市场和农民增收等相关问题进行实证分析,结果表明,农户获取信贷的需求与能力可以有力地解释农户收入水平的差异,而农户信用水平的决定与区域经济环境、既有资本存量、生产和收入能力以及社会关系资本等多种因素相关。 Based on the extension of Mekinnon model, this paper provides a basic theoretical framework of farmer's credit and earnings from the perspective of agrotechnical innovation. A systematic empirical analysis is conducted to investigate the relationships between farmer's credit, rural credit market and the enhancement of farmers" earnings from 1100 famer residents. The empirical results show that the demand and capacity of farmers" credit can contribute to the increase of their earnings, and the decision of farmers" credit is significantly related to the following factors: the regional economic condition, the stock of capital, the capacity of generating cash flows and the social capital, etc.
作者 陈雨露 马勇
出处 《改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期84-90,共7页 Reform
关键词 农户信用 农贷市场 农业发展 金融支持 farmers" credit, rural credit market, agricultural development, financial support
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