

The curative effect observation of the Medicine food nourishment support inside bowel in the heavy extracranial traumab patient
摘要 目的:了解药膳在重型颅脑损伤患者肠内营养支持的作用。方法:对重型颅脑损伤的患者在肠内营养中添加自制中药流质营养支持,记录患者病情变化参数。结果:实验组营养状况、胃肠功能较对照组明显改善,且并发症减少,感染率及白蛋白在两组间的差异有统计学意义。结论:药膳在重型颅脑损伤的患者肠内营养中的合理应用,可以有效的提高患者机体免疫力,减少并发症,降低感染率及死亡率。 Objective: Find out The function of the nourishment support inside the bowel in the heavy size of the head injure. Methods: Add the Chinese herbal medicine liquid to the patients who suffer the heavy size of the head injure, then record the development of the patients'condition. Results: Compare with the test group, the Nourishment condition and Stomach and intestines function in the experient group are better improved , and can reduce the complications, the infection rate and albumin at two sets of of the difference have statistic meaning. Conclusion: Reasonable pplication of The medicine food to the nourishment support inside the bowel in the heavy size of the head injure,can effectively raise the The immunity of the body,decrease complications, for lower the infection rate,and death rate.
作者 周小萍
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2008年第10期1-3,共3页 Nursing Practice and Research
关键词 药膳 重型颅脑损伤 肠内营养支持 疗效 Medicine food The heavy size of the head injure The nourishment support inside the bowel Curative effect
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