
微波消解-原子吸收光度法测定堆肥中微量镉、锌和铜 被引量:2

Determination methods for Trace Elements of Cd、Zn and Cu in Compost by microwave digestion-atomic absorption spectrometry
摘要 研究并确定了微波消解堆肥的最佳条件,应用原子吸收与数据导数处理系统相结合方法解决了堆肥体系中微量金属Cd,Zn和Cu的测定问题,对应元素的灵敏度可提高一个数量级,检出限均有不同程度的降低,从而极大提高分析的准确度。同时对堆肥实际样品进行加标回收实验,测定了堆肥样品中金属的回收率,其回收率分别在99.5%-102.0%9、8.7%-99.1%和98.8%-104.0%之间。实验结果显示,该方法快速、准确、可信。 In this paper, the optimum parameters for microwave digestion are studied and selected. Trace elements of Cd, Zn and Ca in the compost system can be determined simultaneously by atomic absorption spectrometry with high delicacy and low examining limit. The analytical chemistry degree of accuracy can de raised extremely. The recovery rate of Cd, Zn and Cu in practical samples are within 99.5% - 102.0%, 98.7% - 99.1% and 98.8% - 104.0% respectively, and the experimental results show that the method is rapid, precise and credible .
出处 《工业安全与环保》 北大核心 2009年第4期61-62,共2页 Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection
关键词 微波消解 原子吸收光度法 数据导数处理系统 堆肥 microwave digestion atomic absorption spectrometry data derivative disposal system compost
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