Objective To discuss and analyse the therapeutic effect of talar neck fracture through approach of internal malleolous osteotomy and hallow compression screw tot fixation. Methods 35 patients of talar neck fracture were treated with open reduction and eannulated compression serew fixation through approach of internal malleolous osteotomy. With plaster external fixation,the ankle began functional exercise without burden as soon as possible. Deciding the lower limb weight loading time according to radiographs. Results All were followed up from 6 months to 5 years. According to the Hawkins criteria the results were excellent in 16 cases (45.7%) good in 10 (28.6%), fair in (20. 0% ) , and poor in 2 (5.7%), and the rate of excellent and good was 74.3%. There were 4 eases of necrosis of skin,2 wound infection,5 osteochondritis, and 4 traumatic arthritis. No malunion or disunion was found. Conclusions Operative treatment of talar neck fracture through approach of internal malleolus osteotomy provides thorough exposure, reliable reduction, effective internal fixation, satisfacyory therapeutic effect.
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics
talars fractures
internal malleolous osteotomy
fracture fixation