
贵州省2000—2007年梅毒流行情况分析 被引量:3

Epidemic Analysis of Syphilis in Guizhou Province during 2000—2007
摘要 目的分析贵州省梅毒流行情况,为制定梅毒防治策略提供科学依据。方法利用2000—2007年该省法定传染病网络直报系统的梅毒报病疫情资料,进行流行病学分析。结果2000—2007年全省共报告梅毒7220例,梅毒死亡病例8例。梅毒报告发病率由2000年的0.96/10万上升到2007年的5.65/10万,各期、各类梅毒的报告数均出现增长,其中以胎传梅毒上升最快;男、女之比为1∶1.03。2006年后,女性报病发病率上升迅速且明显高于男性;20~39岁年龄段病例最多;报告病例中农业人口以29.22%列第1位,全省9个地、州(市)病例报告均呈上升趋势。结论贵州省梅毒流行处于上升趋势,需加强高危人群的梅毒筛查、干预工作,推广性病病征处理和引导人群正确的性病就医行为等综合防治措施,才能有效地控制梅毒流行。同时,急待加强性病网络直报告工作,扩大报病机构的覆盖范围,以更准确地把握性病疫情。 [ Objective ] To analyze the syphilis prevalence, and provide scientific evidence for developing control measures. [ Methotis] Syphilis data from 2000 to 2007 in China Information System for Disease Control and Prevention was used to conduct epidemiological analysis in Guizhou province. [ Results] From 2000 to 2007, totally 7220 syphilis cases and 8 death cases were reported. The reported incidenee of syphilis increased from 0. 96/100 ,000 in 2000 to 5.65/100,000 in 2007 with 28.85%. Reported number of various classifications anti periods of syphilis increased, and the number of congenital syphilis eases grew fastest among these classifications. The ratio of male to female was 1 : 1.03. After 2006, the reported incidence of female eases increased faster than that of male; 20 -29 ages group had the most eases; agriculture population accounted for 29.22% taking the first place. There was an increasing trend of syphilis reported cases in all 9 prefectures in Guizhou. [ Conclusion] Syphilis prevalence is in an upward trend in Guizhou Province, the integrative strategies should be focus on high risk group in terms of enhancing syphilis screening, intervention on high risk group, applying sexual transmission disease (STD) symptomatic treatment and guiding patients to correctly selecting care provider. Meanwhile, surveillance system and report network of STD urgently need to be enhanced to extend the coverage of online report and to clearly understand epidemic situation of STD.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2009年第10期1071-1073,共3页 Occupation and Health
关键词 梅毒 流行 防治 Syphilis Epidemic Prevention and control
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