
麻果所致精神障碍者心理状况分析 被引量:5

摘要 目的:了解麻果所致精神障碍者的心理状况及其相关的心理防御机制。方法:对29例麻果所致精神障碍者和29例正常人进行症状自评量表(SCL-90)、防御方式问卷(DSQ-88)的测试并作对照分析,同时将麻果所致精神障碍者的两量表作相关分析。结果:(1)SCL-90结果为麻果所致精神障碍者的躯体化、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、精神病性等因子分及总分均明显高于正常人(t值分别为-2.315、-3.037、-2.918、-2.847、-2.433、-2.167,P值分别为0.024、0.003、0.005、0.006、0.018、0.035)。(2)麻果所致精神障碍者的不成熟防御机制和中间型防御机制分值与正常人比较差异有显著性(t值分别为-2.608、-2.202,P值分别为0.011、0.032)。(3)经相关分析发现:麻果所致精神障碍者的躯体化、人际关系症状分别与投射、伴无能呈负相关(r=-0.450,P=0.014;r=-0.368,P=0.049),抑郁症状与压抑、反向形成分别呈负相关和正相关(r=-0.518,P=0.004;r=0.450,P=0.014),焦虑症状与幻想、退缩均呈正相关(r=0.377,P=0.044;r=0.490,P=0.007),而精神病性症状较复杂,与抱怨、反向形成、假性利他均呈负相关(r=-0.417,P=0.024;r=-0.381,P=0.041;r=-0.432,P=0.019),与回避、隔离、交往倾向、期望均呈正相关(r=0.419,P=0.024;r=0.553,P=0.002;r=0.544,P=0.002;r=0.433,P=0.019)。结论:麻果所致精神障碍者的精神症状以情感症状和精神病性症状为主,多运用不成熟防御机制和中间型防御机制。针对病人的特定防御机制采用动力心理学治疗方法,可使病人更好地康复,尽快回归社会。 Objective:To explore the psychological state and defense mechanism of the patients with "naguo" induced mental disorders. Methods : Symptom Checklist 90 Scale ( SCL - 90) and Defensive Style Questionnaire (DSQ -88) were adopted to compare the psychological state and defense mechanism of the patients with "Maguo" induced mental disorders (n = 29) and those of the control (n = 29 ). The correlation of the two scales to the patients were analyzed. Results : Main characteristics of the patients: ( 1 ) The factors scores as somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, psychoticism and the total score of the SCL-90 were significantly higher than those in the controls (t = -2. 315, -3.037, - 2. 9!8, -2. 847, -2.433, -2. 167 ; P =0. 024, 0. 005,0. 005,0. 006, 0. 018,0. 055) ; (2) The scores of immature and neurotic defenses were significantly higher than those in the controls (t = - 2. 608, -2. 202; P =0. 011,0. 032) ; (3) Correlation analysis demonstratesd: there was a) a negative relation between somatization symptoms and projection (r = -0. 450, P = 0. 014) ; b) a negative relation between interpersonal sensitivity symptoms and omnipotence paradox ( r = - 0. 368, P = 0. 049) ; c) a negative relation between depression symptoms and repression (r = -0. 518, P = 0. 004) ; d) a negative relation between psychotic symptoms and complaint, reaction formation, pseudo - altruism ( r = - 0. 417, P=0.024; r = - 0.381, P = 0.041; r = - 0.432, P = 0.019) ; e) a positive relation between depression symptoms and reaction formation ( r = 0. 450, P = 0. 014) ; f) a positive relation between anxiety symptoms and fantasy, regression(r = 0. 377, P = 0. 044 ; r = 0. 490, P = 0. 007 ) ; g) a positive relation between psychotic symptoms and avoidance, isolationsocial intercourse tendency, expectation (r = 0.419, P =0. 024; r =0. 553, P =0. 002; r =0. 544, P =0. 002; r =0. 433 ,P =0. 019). Conclusion : The mental symptoms of the disorders induced by " Maguo" may take emotion and psychosis symptom as the principal thing, who utilize immature and neurotic defenses. It suggests that psychodynamic psychotherapies treating their specific defensive style can make them cure better and go back to the society earlier.
出处 《中国药物依赖性杂志》 CAS CSCD 2009年第2期132-135,共4页 Chinese Journal of Drug Dependence
关键词 精神活性物质 心理状况 精神障碍 症状自评量表 防御方式问卷 psychoactive substance psychological state mental disorders Symptom Checklist 90 Scale ( SCL - 90) Defensive Style Questionnaire( DSQ - 88 )
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