
晚清语境中汉译鲁滨孙的文化改写与抵抗——鲁滨孙汉译系列研究之一 被引量:7

The Translation and Rewriting of Robinson in the Context of Late Qing Dynasty
摘要 笛福的《鲁滨孙漂流记》虽然在后殖民批评视野中又一次成为国际学界关注的热点,但对于中国来说,有几个先在的问题:即我们什么时候开始谈论鲁滨孙?谈论什么?汉译鲁滨孙是如何被翻译和改写的?本论文把中国第一个汉译缩写本,沈祖芬译《绝岛漂流记》置于晚清语境中,通过与源文本的对比分析说明,沈译本是把鲁滨孙作为在当时社会同样流行的哥伦布式的英雄,出于"激励少年"的目的翻译塑造的,不仅在主题上删除了原作者的宗教寓意,从情节上,突出了"冒险"经历,对主人公形象更是进行了归化式的改造,从而,在一定程度上改写了原文本渗透的殖民叙述话语、意象和心理,是中西文化理想价值观相互调和的产物,体现了殖民叙述与民族叙述的内在纠结和张力。 Although international attention has been paid to Daniel Dafoe's Robinson Crusoe again from a post-colonial perspective, Chinese scholars have to face several preexistent questions, namely, when do we begin to talk about Robinson Crusoe? And what do we talk about? How has the novel been translated and rewritten into Chinese? This article examines Shen Zufen' s first abbreviated Chinese translation of Robinson Crusoe, Desert Island Tale. Written in late Qing vernacular, Shen's Crusoe has been recreated as the then popular Columbus-like hero. With the purpose of inspiring teenagers, Shen erases the religious moralism of the English original and gives prominenceto the adventures in the plot, thereby naturalizes the main protagonist. In this respect, to a considerable degree, the language, intention and psychology of the colonialist narrative that permeate the original text have been rewritten. The Chinese translation is thus an amalgam of Chinese and Western cultural ideals. It reflects the intrinsic synthesis of colonialist and nationalist narratives.
作者 李今
机构地区 中国人民大学
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期99-109,共11页 Foreign Literature Studies
基金 2007年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"西方名著的汉译系列及其文化形象的变迁"【项目批准号:07JA751011】的成果之一
关键词 鲁滨孙 汉译鲁滨孙 改写 后殖民批评 Robinson Crusoe Shen Zufen's Robinson rewrite post-colonial critique
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