为降低稀土对环境的污染,研究了纳米磁粒子对La3+的吸附行为。用共沉淀法制备了粒径15 nm的Fe3O4磁粒子,考察了该磁粒子对La3+的吸附,结果表明:在La3+初始浓度100 mg/L、pH=6、温度50℃、吸附时间为25 m in的条件下,磁粒子对La3+的平衡吸附量为49.3 mg/g。该吸附过程符合假二级动力学模型、Freund lich等温线。
The water based ferrofluids with saturated magnetization 35 mT was prepared by chemical co-precipitation, which was characterized by XRD and TEM. The adsorption of lanthanum ions on the of ferrofluids was studied in this paper, and the effect of initial ion concentration of La^3+ , temperature,pH value and adsorption time on adsorption were also researched. The result indicates that the optimum experiment condition is initial ion concentration of La^3+ 100 mg/L,temperature 45 ℃,pH value 6 and adsorption time 45 rain. Under this condition, the maxium adsorption quantity of La^3 + on such ferrofluids is 49.3 mg/g. The adsorption process follows pseudo-second kinetics and Freundlich isotherm,which indicates the adsorotion is a monolayer adsorption.
Jiangxi Science