
四川森林碳贮量现状及其空间分布 被引量:9

The Present Situation and Spatial Distribution of Forest Carbon Storage in Sichuan Province,China
摘要 采用材积源生物量法和四川省2007年森林资源监测数据,计测了四川森林总碳量和碳密度。研究结果表明:2007年四川森林总碳量629.76 Tg,平均碳密度50.67 Mg.hm-2,主要得益于成熟林的贡献。四川森林的碳贮量具有极大的空间差异性,在地貌上表现为:川西高山峡谷区(261.58 Tg C)>川西南山地区(114.32 Tg C)>盆地西缘山地区(74.08 Tg C)>盆地丘陵区(59.33 Tg C)>川西北高原区(45.15 Tg C)>盆地南缘山地区(41.45 TgC)>盆地北缘山地区(33.85 Tg C);在流域上表现为:岷江流域(228.57 Tg C)>雅砻江流域(160.25 Tg C)>嘉陵江流域(128.25 Tg C)>金沙江流域(84.89 Tg C)>长江干流(16.55 Tg C)>沱江(11.25 Tg C)。森林碳密度有由东南向西北逐渐增加的趋势,即盆地北缘山地区(28.83 Mg.hm-2)<盆地丘陵区(31.71 Mg.hm-2)<川西南山地区(42.80 Mg.hm-2)<盆地南缘山地区(48.54 Mg.hm-2)<盆地西缘山地区(56.75 Mg.hm-2)<川西高山峡谷区(66.96 Mg.hm-2)<川西北高原区(69.76 Mg.hm-2),或长江干流域(30.09 Mg.hm-2)<沱江流域(36.41 Mg.hm-2)<嘉陵江流域(38.72 Mg.hm-2)<雅砻江流域(52.94 Mg.hm-2)<金沙江流域(54.48 Mg.hm-2)<岷江流域(62.24 Mg.hm-2)。文中还讨论了森林碳贮量与碳密度的空间差异性在森林经营与区划中意义,分区规划和分类经营管理是提高四川森林碳吸存能力的有效措施。 According to the provincial forestry inventory data monitored by Siehuan Forestry Invemypty and Plan Institute in 2007, the total carbon storage of Sichuan forest was estimated by the method of regression equation between stand and volume in different forest types. The results have showrthat the total carbon storage and carbon density of Sichuan forest in 2007 were 629.76Tg C, 50.67 Mg · hm^-2 respectively. There is considerable spatial variability in forest C storage and C density in Sichuan. The ranked order of forest C in view of physiognomy was alpine gorge area in western Sichuan (261.58 Tg C) 〉 mountainous area in southwest Sichuan ( 114.32 Tg C ) 〉 mountainous on western edge area of Si- chuan basin(74.08 Tg C) 〉 hilly area of Sichuan basin(59.33 Tg C) 〉 Sichuan northwest tableland area (45.15 Tg C) 〉 mountainous area on southern edge of Sichuan basin(41.45 Tg C) 〉 mountainous area on northern edge of Sichuan basin(33.85 Tg C), and that of forest C in view of drainage area was the Minjiang River(228.57 Tg C) 〉 the Yalong River( 160.25 Tg C) 〉 the Jialing River( 128.25 Tg C) 〉 the Jinsha River ( 84.89 Tg C) 〉 lnainstreams of the Changjiang River( 16.55 Tg C) 〉 the Tuojiang River(ll.25 Tg C). Forest C density increased from southeast areas to northwest areas, with the order of the mountainous area on northern edge of Sichuan basin(28.83 Mg · hm^-2) 〈 hilly area of Sichuan basin (31.71 Mg · hm^-2) 〈 mountainous area in southwest Sichuan (42.80 Mg · hm^-2) 〈 mountainous area on southern edge of Sichuan basin(48.54 Mg · hm^-2 ) 〈 mountainous area on western edge of Sichuan basin(56.75 Mg · hm^-2 ) 〈 alpine gorge area in western Sichuan(66.96 Mg· hm^-2 ) 〈 tableland area in northwest Sichuan(69.76 Mg · hm^-2), and with the order of the mainstreams of the Changjiang River (30.09 Mg·hm^-2) 〈 the Tuojiang River(36.41 Mg · hm^-2) 〈 the Jialing River(38.72 Mg ·hm^ -2 ) 〈 the Yalong River (52.94 Mg·hm^ -2 ) 〈 the Jinshajiang River (54.48 Mg · hm^ -2 ) 〈 the Minjiang River(62.24 Mg · hm^-2). The role of spatial variability of forest C storage and forest C density in the forest management and division was discussed in this paper, and it was suggested that sub-regions planning and division forest management would improve the potential of carbon sequestration in Sichuan forests.
出处 《四川林业科技》 2009年第2期13-18,共6页 Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology
基金 四川林业科技先导计划重点创新工程项目--四川林业工程生态 经济和社会效益监测与评价(编号:研究07-9)
关键词 碳贮量 碳密度 森林 四川 Carbon storage, Carbon density, Forest, Sichuan Province
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