通过对四川马尾松枯萎林分木居真菌和线虫种类分析结果,在健康木、衰弱木和枯死木中均能分离出多种真菌,但健康木木居真菌数量较少。分离出的真菌种类主要有木霉属(Trichoderma sp.)、镰孢霉属(Fusarium sp.)、多毛孢属(Pestalotia sp.)、砖格孢属(Steganosporium sp.)和曲霉属(Asperigllus sp.)。分离出的线虫为伞滑刃属(Bursaphelenchus sp.)线虫,未分离到松材线虫和拟松材线虫,分离出的木霉、多毛孢属、砖格孢属均可培养松材线虫,说明四川马尾松林区目前还属于松材线虫非疫区,但有发生松材线虫的可能性。
According to analysing the kinds of wood intrafungi and pine wood nematodes of wilted forest of Pinus mazsoniana Lamb in Sichuan, many kinds of fungis can be isolated from healthy tress, weak trees and dead and drying trees. But the amount of wood intrafungi of healthy trees is less. Most kinds of fungus are Trichoderma sp. , Fusarium sp. , Pestalotia sp. , Steganosporium sp. , and Asperigllus sp. The isolated pine wood nematode is Bursaphelenchus sp. , and the Bursphelenchus xylophilus and B. mucronatus are not isolated. The isolated Trichoderma,Pestalotia, Steganosporium all can culture Bursphelenchus xylophilus. This shows that forest of Pinus massoniana in Sichuan does not belong to epidemic area of infectious disease, but has the possibility of occurrence of Bursphelenchus xylophilus.
Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology
Pinus massoniana, Pine wood nematode, Wood intrafungi