
原型范畴与转换构词 被引量:1

The Prototype Category and Shifting as a Type of Word-formation
摘要 转换作为一种相当能产的构词手段,实际上是一个内部成员地位不平等、边界模糊的原型范畴。语法转换,也即人们常说的词类转用,整体上具有较高的原型等级,属于范畴中比较典型的成员,但它的内部成员由于词类转变的程度不同也有不同的原型等级。非典型转换沿着两个维度展开:一是语义维度,二是语言形式维度。从典型的语法转换到处于范畴边缘的意义转换和形变转换,是一个连续渐变的过程。 As a productive type of word-formation, shifting is a prototype category. Though shifting of grammar as a whole has comparatively high prototype membership and can be said to be the prototype of the category, it is prototype a category itself because its members also differs in the degree to which the shifting of grammar proceeds between the original and the target word. Shifting, starting from that of grammar, is plotted against two dimensions: meaning and linguistic form. It forms a cline continuum from full shifting of grammar to shifting of meaning and shifting of form.
作者 周启强
出处 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期281-285,共5页 Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
基金 湖南省教育厅资助项目(08A021)
关键词 原型范畴 语法转换 意义转换 形变转换 prototype category shifting of grammar shifting of meaning shifting of form
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