唐.德里罗(Don DeLillo)的成名作《白噪音》(White Noise)深刻地揭露了当代人对死亡的恐惧,被喻为是"美国的死亡之书"。其中,杰克夫妇对死亡的恐惧尤为突出,小说不仅描写了夫妇俩对死亡的恐惧,而且也呈现了他们对死亡恐惧做出的种种滑稽而又怪诞的反抗。而引起此种恐惧的原因则主要表现在夫妇俩自身的独特因素以及消费主义、大众传媒、科技的影响与宗教信仰的丧失等社会因素。
White Noise, one of the representative works of Don DeLillo, probes deep into the fear of death of contemporary people and is known as "The Ameriean Book of the Death". In the novel, the death fear of Jack couple is especially highlighted. The author not only depicted vividly the performances of their fear but also presented all kinds of efforts the couple made to rebel against it. As to the reasons for such kind of fear, they are mainly eoncemed with the couple' s own life experiences and related to such social factors as the effects of eonsumerism, mass media, technology and the loss of religion.
Journal of Jimei University:Philosophy and Social Sciences