The importance of corporate governance and external audits has been repeatedly emphasized worldwide since the exposure of the Enron scandal in 2002. With reference particularly to research published by Pae and Yoo in 2001, this paper constructs a game theoretical model primarily featuring a firm's owner (who intends to sell a solely held firm) and an external auditor (who is hired by the owner to issue an audit report). We further introduce into the model cost functions for corporate governance strength and audit effort, and the legal liabilities of the owner and auditor. In our model, the relationship between corporate governance strength, audit effort and audit quality are analyzed systematically. Furthermore, we also analyze the potential effects of the legal liabilities of the owner and auditor on equilibrium corporate governance strength, audit effort and audit quality. The owner's decision on corporate governance strength and the auditor's decision on audit effort in our model will jointly influence the informativeness and quality of the auditor's report to external investors, and ultimately influence the market value of the firm. Our main results include: (1) in equilibrium, an increase in corporate governance strength may encourage the auditor to enhance audit effort and consequently result in a higher level of audit quality; (2) an increase in the owner's legal liability has no effect on the game equilibrium and audit quality even though it may increase the market value of the firm; (3) an increase in the auditor's legal liability may not necessarily decrease corporate governance strength, and can enhance the audit effort and audit quality only when some particular restrictions have been imposed on it. Additionally, the robustness of the results under different situations is discussed in relation to non-audit fees, auditor independence, and other alternative assumptions. Finally, conclusions and potential policy implications are provided.
Nankai Business Review
Corporate Governance Strength
Audit effort
Audit quality