

Posterior Atlantoaxial and Occipitocervical Fixation with Screw-plate System
摘要 目的报告后路寰枢椎侧块、枕颈钉板固定融合术治疗寰枢椎不稳定的疗效。方法2006年1月至2007年12月,用特制螺钉及连接板固定寰枢椎、枕骨枢椎,治疗12例寰枢关节不稳定的患者。其中横韧带松弛3例,先天性齿突不连3例,寰椎骨折2例,齿状突粉碎骨折2例,寰枢椎脱位2例。结果本组12例获得5~28个月随访,平均16.3个月,均获得了骨性融合。没有神经、血管损伤和断钉、断板的病例。结论后路使用螺钉、固定板的寰枢关节、枕颈固定融合术具有短节段固定作用,不仅疗效可靠,而且便于寰枢关节复位。 Objective To report the result of a newly-designed screw-plate system for the treatment of atlantoaxical. instability. Methods Since January 2006 to December 2007,12 patients with instability of atlantoaxial join under-went reconstructive surgery using these systems. Three patients presented bridle laxation,three patients with congenital odontoid process disjugate,two patients with atlas fracture,two patients with odontoid process fracture,two pa- tients with atlantoaxial luxation. Results 12 patients of atlantoaxial instability were followed up for the mean period of 16.3 months. All patients achieved solid bony fusion, Neither vertebral artery nor spinal cord was injuried. No implant failure was found. Conclusion Atlantoaxial and occipitocervical reconstruction by the newly-designed screw- plate system can provide sufficient correction of malalignment in occipitio atlantoaxial region and achieve high fusion rate.
出处 《实用骨科杂志》 2009年第4期245-247,共3页 Journal of Practical Orthopaedics
关键词 脊柱融合术 寰枢关节 关节不稳定性 spinal fusion atlantoaxial joint joint instability
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