一、明代《占城译语》的两种版本 中国古籍中有关占婆语言的系统资料不多,存世者更属罕见。宋人郑樵《通志》艺文略第一记载有《林邑国语》一卷①,今已不存。清人王闻远《孝慈堂书目》遗逸条记载有《十国译语》,其中包括毛寅所辑《占城译语》②,今亦不传。
The Chinese Ancient Books' Record is a great devotion to the East world's culture. The Chiem Thanh Dich Ngu-A Chinese Vocabulary of Chain Words and Phrases introduced in this article is a rare record of Champa (Viet Nam) in Minh period (15-16 A.D). It's different from Morirson's edition and this rare materials will be helpful to resolve the language development of Champa, Vietnam. In addition, it will do good to solve the Cham immigrations' language problem in Hainan island. This article also give a brief study on the rela-tionship between Champa and Malay.
Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies