
学龄前儿童智力水平和智力结构 被引量:1

Study on intelligence level and its structure in preschool children
摘要 目的:调查幼儿园大班全部儿童的智力水平,分析其智力结构,探讨认知能力发育规律,为学龄前儿童的学校教育和健康成长提供参考依据。方法:选择金坛市3家幼儿园大班全体儿童作为调查对象,共计345名儿童(男191人,女154人)参加此次调查,采用中国版韦克斯勒氏学龄前及初小儿童智力量表(WPPSI)一对一测定儿童智力。结果:所有儿童的平均智商为(101.80±11.88)。总智商在不同性别间无差异(P>0.05),男、女童的言语智商均小于操作智商(P<0.01)。有28.70%的儿童发生智商分离,其中,言语智商小于操作智商的占69.70%,智商分离与智商平衡者之间总智商的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。智力离散模型分析并无明显趋势,但言语分量表的离散值小于操作分量表的离散值(P=0.000)。结论:本组学龄前儿童言语智商小于操作智商,可能是:①儿童更多地接触相关材料选择性地提高了操作能力;②中国80年代修订的WPPSI需要修改以符合时代的发展;③儿童智力的离散模型值得进一步追踪研究。 Objective:To investigate intelligence level in children and analyze its structure,explore cognitive development in children and provide foundation for school education and healthy growth of the preschool children.Methods:345 children including 191 boys and 154 girls from three kindergartens in Jintan were selected,and the intelligence level was measured by intelligence quotient(IQ) using the WPPSI.Results:The mean scores of children's IQ in three kindergartens were(101.80±11.88).There was no difference in IQ between boys and girls(P〉0.05),and there was significant difference in both boys and girls between the scores of verbal IQ and performance IQ(P〈0.01).The percent of IQ disassociation was 28.70% in the children,69.70% of the children had lower verbal IQ,there was no difference in IQ scores between children with IQ disassociation and children without IQ disassociation(P〉0.05).The scatter score of the verbal IQ were lower than that of performance IQ(P=0.000).Conclusion:The causes of lower verbal IQ can be listed as follows:①increasing access to educational materials selectively enhances performance ability;②the 1980s WPPSI for chinese children is in need of revision;③intelligent ability scatter model is worthwhile for follow-up study.
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第12期1660-1663,共4页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
基金 江苏省常州市卫生局科技计划项目(WJ200548)
关键词 学龄前儿童 智力水平 智力结构 韦克斯勒量表 Preschool children Intelligence level Intelligence structure Wechsler Scales
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