
东亚民主化比较研究:以台湾地区和韩国为例 被引量:2

Riding on"Third Wave":Comparative Study of Democratization in Taiwan and South Korea
摘要 台韩都是在现代化发展到一定程度之后,在某些外部条件和特殊条件推动之下启动民主化的;在民主化进程中,都必须处理威权遗留问题,都出现了某个最棘手的"情境问题"("台独"问题;财阀问题);民主化的最终目标都是建立并巩固自由民主政体.台韩民主化也存在着不同:台湾民主化属于"变革"型,韩国民主化属于"移转"型;韩国民主化的基本任务是落实"第六共和国宪法",巩固民主宪政,台湾民主化由于背负了所谓"台湾独立"的额外负担,民主巩固的任务极其艰巨.总之,台韩民主化进程说明:建立民主体制容易,坚守和巩固民主难.台韩要从"选举民主"政体发展到自由民主政体,培育出"羽翼丰满的民主制度",还需要有文化、社会和政治的巨变. To some extent of development to modernization, Taiwan and South Korea, propelled by some external conditions and special internal conditions, started the process of democratization. During the process, they managed to solve the problems handed down by the authoritarian regimes, and the most knotty "contextual problems" such as the issue of "Taiwan Independence" and chaebol issue. Furthermore, the final goal is the same, that is, to establish and consolidate liberal democracy. However, there exist great differences between them: first, they belong to different democratization models. Taiwan is classified as the category of "transformation" model while South Korea, the category of" transplantation" model; second, they have different futures. The basic mission of South Korea is to implement "the Sixth Republic's Constitution" and consolidate democratic constitutional governments, but for Taiwan, because of the extra burden of so-called" Taiwan Independence", it is rather difficult to consolidate its democracy. Generally speaking, consolidating democracy is much more difficult than establishing democratic institutions, as evidenced by the democratization of Taiwan and South Korea. To develop sophisticated democracy, or upgrade the electoral democracy to the liberal democracy, Taiwan and South Korea must undertake tremendous changes in culture, society and politics.
作者 林震
出处 《东莞理工学院学报》 2009年第2期11-15,共5页 Journal of Dongguan University of Technology
基金 福建省科技厅青年人才项目课题<海峡两岸公共管理模式比较研究>(编号:2008F3091)阶段性成果之一.
关键词 中国台湾 韩国 民主化比较 Chinese Taiwan South Korea comparison of democratizations
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