
山地森林地区遥感影像地形辐射校正研究 被引量:2

Study on Topographic Correction of Optical Satellite Data in Forested Areas
摘要 山区遥感影像反射率反演不但需要消除大气影响,而且必须消除地形影响。传统的地形校正方法通常属于经验统计方法,具有简单易用的优点,但本身也存在一些缺点,如理论上缺乏全面的物理分析,使用时具有较强的主观性,且不能与大气校正相耦合。相比之下,一些学者提出的基于辐射传输理论物理模型能在一定程度上克服这些缺点。本文针对森林地区,提出了一种基于辐射传输理论的地形校正及反射率反演模型。该模型与现有模型相比,考虑了树木冠层受地形影响的特殊性,因此适合于高植被覆盖的森林地区。最后以贵州省黎平县的ETM影像及DEM数据为例,对模型的有效性进行了验证。通过对比分析,证明该模型在森林地区的地形校正效果明显优于现有模型。 In this paper, an optical, radiation transfer theory based model of topographic correction and surface reflectance retrieval of forested terrain is developed. This model is established by modifying the existing radiation transfer theory based model (developed by Sandmeier et al). The difference between two models is that the modified model is developed in sub-pixel scale, which SCS correction is also based on. Finally, the model is validated using the ETM imagery and DEM of Lipin County, Guizhou province, China. Visual and statistical methods are used to evaluate the results of the two models. In comparison with existing radiation transfer theory based model, the modified model has a better result in removing the terrain effects of imagery in forested areas.
出处 《遥感信息》 CSCD 2009年第2期7-12,共6页 Remote Sensing Information
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目:航天遥感图像仿真模拟关键技术研究(kzcx2-yw-303)
关键词 地形校正 山地 森林 反射率 topographic correction rugged terrain forest reflectance
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