
沥青基球状活性炭浸渍碳酸钠脱硫剂脱除H_2S的性能与表征 被引量:1

Performance and Characterization of Pitch-Based Spherical Activated Carbon Impregnated with Na_2CO_3 as Desulphurization Agent for H_2S Removal
摘要 将沥青基球状活性炭(PSAC)浸渍一定浓度的Na2CO3,制备了一种高性能脱硫剂(PSAC-I)。利用N2吸附、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、热重、元素分析等手段对脱硫前后的PSAC-I进行了表征,研究了PSAC-I的脱硫产物和失活原因,考察了温度和相对湿度对脱硫的影响。结果表明:PSAC-I的脱硫效果远好于普通煤质柱状活性炭和商用活性炭脱硫剂;PSAC-I的脱硫产物主要为单质硫和少量的硫酸,当PSAC-I的孔隙被脱硫产物充满或者孔口全部被堵塞后即失活;PSAC-I脱硫最佳温度为30℃,温度过高或者过低均不利于H2S的脱除;提高原料气相对湿度有利于提高硫容。 A highly effective desulphurization agent (PSAC-I) was prepared by impregnating sodium carbonate on pitch-based spherical activated carbon (PSAC). The PSAC-I before and after desulphurization was characterized using nitrogen adsorption,FT-IR,thermogravimetry and elemental analysis to study desulphurization products and causes to deactivation on PSAC-I. The effects of temperature and relative humidity on the performance of PSAC-I for H2S removal were also investigated. The results reveal that PSAC impregnated with Na2CO3 has much larger capacity to remove hydrogen sulfide than common coalbased activated carbon and commercial desulphurization agent. Elemental sulfur is the main product after desulphurization, and a little amount of sulfuric acid is also produced on PSAC-I. When the pores are completely saturated or all the entrances of the pores are jammed by the products, PSAC-I will be deactivation. 30℃ is the optimal temperature for the desulphurization process while higher or lower than that will lead to rapid deactivation. Increasing the relative humidity of the inlet gas will improve the sulfur capacity of the PSAC-I.
出处 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期167-173,共7页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(50672025 50730003) 国家高新技术研发计划(863计划)(2007AA05Z311)
关键词 沥青基球状活性炭 浸渍 H2S 脱硫 pitch-based spherical activated carbon impregnation H2S desulphurization
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