
糖性白内障渗透性膨胀期相关机制的研究进展 被引量:6

The genes related with the osmotic expansion in sugar cataract
摘要 晶状体具有良好的透光性与适度的折光性,是一个近乎完美的视觉器官。它来源于表皮外胚叶,由外向内依次为晶状体囊、晶状体上皮、皮质及核,其中晶状体上皮细胞是整个晶状体的生命中枢,不仅分泌Ⅳ型胶原形成外层晶状体囊,并在赤道部衍化为纤维细胞,构成皮质与核;而且提供了晶状体代谢所需的全部能量。在长期高糖环境下,醛糖还原酶被激活,造成大量高渗性物质——山梨醇在细胞内堆积,引起皮质高度吸水膨胀;近年来还发现p糖-蛋白、细胞容积型氯离子通道和水通道蛋白也参与了糖性白内障渗透性膨胀期的发生发展。 Lens is a perfect optical organ, which roots in the surface ectoblast and has good quality of light penetration and refraction. It consists of lens bursa, epithelia, cortex and nucleus from exterior to interior in turn. The life center of lens is the epithelia which not only excretes collagen Ⅳ to form lens bursa outside, and gradually develops to fiber cell to form cortex and nucleus of lens, but also supports all the energy of lens metabolism. Aldose reductase can be activated by high glucose in a long time. Then, the sorbitol accumulation of lens epithelial cells and fibre cells causes cortex to absorb water and expand. Besides, some research results showed that p-glyprotein, clcn3 (Cl^- channel 3 ) and aquaporin were also involved in the high osmotic expansion of the lens.
出处 《中国药理学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期421-424,共4页 Chinese Pharmacological Bulletin
基金 国家新药开发工程中心资助项目
关键词 晶状体 晶状体上皮细胞 醛糖还原酶 P-糖蛋白 通道蛋白 lens lens epithelial cell aldose reductose phosphoglycoprotein aquaporin
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