
螺旋锥齿轮数控磨齿机机床空间误差与机床调整参数的关系 被引量:8

Relation between CNC Bevel Gear Generator Spatial Errors and Machine Setting Errors
摘要 为求得对各项机床调整参数影响较大的机床空间误差,分析螺旋锥齿轮加工过程中数控机床空间误差物理涵义,并建立七轴五联动数控磨齿机床空间误差模型。基于齐次变换矩阵方法建立机床空间误差与机床调整参数之间的几何等量关系,推导出两者间的关联函数并进行分析。通过实例分析,发现对机床刀位调整值影响较大的机床空间误差主要是三直线轴垂直度误差和x轴沿z向垂直度误差;对机床轮位调整值影响较明显的机床空间误差为z轴、B轴沿x向直线度误差以及A轴的安装距误差。为机床调整参数优化及螺旋锥齿轮几何误差补偿提供了理论依据。 In order to obtain the error terms causing great machine setting errors, the physics meaning of spiral bevel generator spatial errors are analyzed, and the geometrical model of machine spatial errors are built. Based on transformation matrices the geometric relations of machine settings and machine spatial errors are obtained. It's found that the straightness error of axis x and perpendicularity error between axis x and axis y can bring great error to machine tool position settings, and the straightness errors of axis z and axis B, position error of axis A can bring great setting error to workpiece position settings. It provides theoretical foundation for optimization of machine settings and error compensation of spiral bevel gears.
出处 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期148-154,共7页 Journal of Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(2005CB724100)
关键词 螺旋锥齿轮 调整参数 机床空间误差 计算机数字控制 Spiral bevel gear Machine settings Machine spatial errors Computerized numerical control
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