
中国转基因作物,机遇与挑战 被引量:14

China's Biotech Crops,Opportunities and Challenges
摘要 2008年7月9日中国政府正式启动转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项,这是中国在生物技术领域的重大举措之一。在中国分子植物育种领域面临如此重要的标志性机遇之时,本文回顾了全球转基因技术发展的历史和中国转基因作物发展的现状,对中国今后转基因作物研发与商业化中知识产权和研发模式两大瓶颈问题进行了讨论。作者还列举了近期国内有关转基因作物生物安全和生态风险方面争论的各方观点,阐明了在中国当前情况下,通过完善相应的法规并强化贯彻落实来规范转基因研发和商业化的必要性。毫无疑问,中国转基因作物又迎来了一个值得期待的春天,机遇与挑战并存。 In July 2008, Chinese government has launched a $3.5 billion initiative to accelerate the development of new genetically modified plants, which is very significant to the plant biotechnology development in China. In this historic moment for plant biotechnology, we looked back to its historic development globally as well as the current status in China. Moreover, we discussed some issues in China that may cause restriction to the research and commercialization of plant biotechnology. In this paper, the author also presented the different views on the potential risk coming from plant biotechnology as well as the current situation in China, in which there is the necessity to perfect and thoroughly apply a rigor law system to supervise the plant biotechnology research and development. In China, plant biotechnology gives a promising future: however, opportunity always comes with challenge.
出处 《基因组学与应用生物学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期209-215,共7页 Genomics and Applied Biology
基金 国家支撑项目(2007BAD59B05)资助
关键词 转基因作物 有用基因 知识产权 生物安全性 生态风险 Genetically modified Crop, Value gene, Intellectual property, Biosafety, Ecological risk
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