

Review and Analysis of Historical Progress of Studying Western Cultural History——Concurrently comment on current domestic situations of studying Western cultural history
摘要 西方文化史研究经历了从传统史学时代、新史学时代和新文化史时代的发展过程。在传统史学时代由于政治军事史占主导地位,文化史研究被边缘化。新史学时代是文化史研究的繁荣时期,科学技术革命给文化史研究带来了转机。新文化史时代把史学的研究对象和研究领域转向了社会文化的范畴,注重跨学科研究。虽然国内对西方文化史的研究在改革开放以来得到繁荣发展,但仍然存在一些滞后和亟待解决的问题,如在大众文化研究、对西方文化的基督教性、多元化和东、西方文化的多样性和统一性的等问题的认识上尚需深入研究。 Study of western euhural history has undergone the times of traditional historiography, new historiography and new cultural history. Studying euhural history was marginalized, for history of polities and military was prevailing in the time of traditional historiography. New historiography era was a booming period of researching euhural history, creating an opportunity for such study during scientific and technological revolution, shifting the object and fields to category of social culture, and stressing interdisciplinary research. Although the studying of western cultural history had progressed a lot since the reform and opening up, there were still some problems urged to solve, such as studying masses culture, Christian nature of western culture, diversity and unity between multi -culture and western and eastern cultures.
出处 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期176-180,共5页 Academic Exchange
基金 吉林省社会科学基金项目(2007185)
关键词 西方文化史 传统史学时代 新史学时代 新文化史时代 western cultural history era of traditional historiography era of new historiography era of new cultural history
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