
塑料表面浮雕光栅的复制及其光学特性 被引量:3

Replication Technology of Plastic Surface-relief Gratings and their Optical Properties
摘要 光栅作为一种重要的光学器件,不断小型化、商品化的发展趋势要求其制造技术应具有快速批量生产的特点。本文报道了一种以熔融石英光栅为模板,采用传统模压成型技术在光学塑料表面复制浮雕光栅的方法,实现了光栅的高效批量生产,并对复制出来的塑料浮雕光栅进行了光学特性分析。测试了不同温度下复制的塑料浮雕光栅衍射光斑图样、衍射效率和衍射级次的强度分布,重点研究了温度对复制浮雕光栅性能的影响,分析了不同温度下模板材料和光学塑料的热膨胀系数与复制光栅常数之间的关系。将批量复制出的塑料浮雕光栅和模板光栅进行实验比较,结果表明在最佳工艺参数条件下,批量复制出的塑料浮雕光栅与模板光栅相比,光栅常数偏差小于1%,衍射效率偏差小于5%,衍射特性与模板光栅基本一致。 Based On the trend of the ever continuing miniaturization and commercialization of gratings, and they are very important in optic field as usual optic elements, their processing techniques require fast and in batches. With the conventional mould pressing technique that has been developed to replicate surface relief grating on plastics using the fused quartz rectangle grating as mask pattern is presented in this paper. The diffraction images of replicated gratings are measured and diffraction efficiency and diffraction order's intensity distribution is obtained. The influence of temperature to replica surface relief grating is studied emphatically. The relation between heat expansion coefficient in mask pattern materials and optic plastics and replicated grating constant is analyzed. The experiment results show that, in an optimizing process, batches of replica plastic surface relief gratings, contrast to the original grating, replica grating constant deviation is less than 1 percent and its diffraction efficiency deviation is less than 5 percent,its diffraction properties are close to original grating.
出处 《应用激光》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期132-135,147,共5页 Applied Laser
基金 福建省科技计划重点项目(项目编号:2007H0026) 福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(项目编号:A0710012)
关键词 表面浮雕光栅 塑料光栅 光栅复制 模压技术 surface relief grating plastic grating grating replication mould pressing technique
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