
人子宫内膜癌树突状细胞形态学研究 被引量:2

Morphological characteristics of dendritic cells in human endometrioid adenocarcinoma
摘要 目的:观察树突状细胞(DC)在人子宫内膜癌组织形态结构特征.方法:绝经期妇女正常子宫内膜组织20例及子宫内膜腺癌组织35例,采用光镜和透射电镜技术观察组织DC形态结构特征.结果:与正常子宫内膜组织DC相比:光镜下,子宫内膜癌DC大多形态较规则呈圆形,但也可见到卵圆形或多角形DC;胞体显著变小,细胞膜表面树突状突起难以见到,但胞核显著减小.电镜下,子宫内膜癌DC胞膜较光滑,胞膜表面树突状胞质突起显著减少,部分突起呈粗短状;胞质中圆形而电子密度高的初级溶酶体和不规则形且电子密度高低不一的次级溶酶体多见;粗面内质网丰富;含微量絮状电子致密物的胞饮小泡显著减少;胞核显著减小,居于胞质一侧,常呈肾形或马蹄形,核内常染色质较少,异染色质多边集于核膜下.结论:人子宫内膜癌组织DC形态结构的改变,影响DC对肿瘤抗原的摄取、加工及提呈功能,进而导致机体肿瘤逃逸的发生. AIM:To investigate the morphological characteristics of dendritic cells (DCs) in human endometrioid adenocarcinoma. METHODS:Twenty cases of human normal endometrium in the postmenopause and 35 cases of endometrioid adenocarcinoma were collected and analyzed with immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. RESULTS:In comparison with that in control group,the morphological structure of DCs in human endometrioid adenocarcinoma showed the following differences:numerous DCs were small in volume and round in shape,but some were oval and multangular; the cytoplasmic processes were invisible and the nucleus became obviously small; round primary lysosome with high electron-densed granules and secondary lysosome with high or low electron-densed granules were seen frequently; DCs contained many rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER); the vacuoles with flocculent electron-densed granules were rare; high electron-densed contents in the granules were near one side and the other side was bright; the nucleus became markedly small in volume,nephroid or hoofed in shape; and the nucleus had little euchromatin and lots of heterochromatin under nuclear membrane. CONCLUSION:In comparison to the DCs of normal human endormetrium,the morphological differences of DC in endometrioid adenocarcinoma reflect the functional changes of the DCs in uptaking,processing and presenting antigen,which may lead to tumor immune escape.
出处 《第四军医大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第8期741-744,共4页 Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
关键词 子宫内膜 子宫内膜样 树突细胞 超微结构 抗原呈递 endometrium carcinoma,endometrioid dendritic cells ultrastructure antigen presentation
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