玉米穗扁平(ear flat,ef)是指成熟果穗的横切面不为圆形而表现为一定程度椭圆的现象.相关性分析表明果穗适度扁平可以增加玉米的穗行数、穗粒质量、穗质量和减小秃尖长,从而促进大穗型品种的培育.以092×095的F2世代为定位群体,利用SSR标记,构建了一张含90个位点,总遗传距离为841.86 cm,平均距离为9.35 cm的遗传图谱.在该图谱上检测到5个调控穗扁平的QTL位点ef1-ef5,共解释表型变异的39.9%.5个QTL中,ef1、ef4、ef5的增效基因来自于正常亲本"交51",ef2、ef3的增效基因来自于穗扁平亲本"092",因此,在利用穗扁平QTL以创制优良育种新材料时,双亲材料的遗传贡献均应当引起重视.
The trait "ear flat (e f)" of maize (Zea mays L. ) is described as an elliptical- transverse section of a fullgrown ear. Correlation analysis has shown that ear diameter, number of rows, kernel weight per ear and ear weight can be increased and the length of bare tip of the ear can be decreased if the ear is moderately flattened, which might promote large-ear variety breeding. Based on the F2 generation of the cross 092 × 095, a linkage map was constructed using simple sequence repeats (SSRs), which included 90 loci and spanned maize genome about 841.86 cm with an average distance of 9.35 cm between markers. On this map, 5 QTLs were identified for ear flat, ef1-ef5, which could account for 39.9 % of the phenotypic variation. Of the 5 QTLs, the effect increasing alleles of e f1, e f4 and e f5 were derived from the parent Jiao 51, while those of e f2 and e f3 came from the parent 092. Therefore, to make use of ef genes to breed elite inbred lines, it is necessary to devote more attention to the genetic contribution of both parents.
Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)