随着我国化学工业的发展和开放,管法兰标准体系与国际接轨对生产和建设的作用越显重要。HG20592~20635-97“钢制管法兰、垫片、紧固件”是在原HGJ44~76-91、HG20527-92、HG20529-92基础上,参照ISO7005-1(1992)和ANSI B16.5、DIN标准修订而成的。修订后的新标准包括国际通用的欧洲和美洲两大体系,形成一套内容完整、体系清晰、适合国情、与国际接轨的管法兰、垫片、紧固件标准。
A detailed introduction and analysis of new standards for piping flanges HG20592 - 20635-97 are presented in this paper. Referenced with ISO, ANSI, DIN 'and other foreign relevant standards, the revised new standard are intended to replace the old standards HG5001 - 5028-58 so as to be consistent with the international standards and development trends.